McKenna Ralston movie list

McKenna Ralston is a Los Angeles film and television actor originally from Seattle, Washington. After landing multiple leading and supporting roles in short films, McKenna landed a guest star role on Z NATION as Becky where she worked alongside the show's regular stars. She is well-versed in taking on strong lead roles which has led her to be nominated and awarded for best actress awards in Toronto and New Mexico. As a proud bisexual/pansexual woman, her favorite roles to take on are queer-related for she is a huge LGBTQAI+ activist. Recently, she played two queer characters in the upcoming short films MORNING MELANCHOLY and BABY POWDER. Over the course of 2021, she worked on Damien Chazelle's (LA LA LAND) upcoming period-piece, BABYLON where Chazelle hand-picked her out of thousands of girls to play a featured role in the film. You will be able to see her in theaters in Focus Feature's DREAMIN' WILD where she shared the screen with Walton Goggins, Chris Messina, Casey Affleck, and Zooey Deschanel later in 2022. In McKenna's downtime, she enjoys running, going on coffee dates with other actors, taking acting classes, painting, playing guitar and singing, and spending time with family. McKenna is passionate about bettering the environment and is always trying to be as sustainable as possible whether it's making her own toothpaste, reducing her plastic use, composting, and refraining from buying fast fashion.