Yesser Laham movie list

Yesser Laham was born on December 17, 1989 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates as Yesser Al-Laham. Yesser is a writer, director and actor, known for The Story Of Us and Landfill. After completing a one year filmmaking program at the New York Film Academy in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2014, Yesser moved to Los Angeles where he earned his masters degree in filmmaking, at the New York Film Academy, LA. He wrote, directed and executive produced his first feature film "Landfill" which has been a big success story, that it got into multiple film festivals, including Sedona International Film Festival, Golden State Film Festival, Paris International Film Festival, Hollywood Blood Horror Festival and many others. His film went on to win some awards. Yesser currently resides in Los Angeles.