Jacob Hughes movie list

Jacob Dylan Hughes was born and raised in Southern Maine. While attending an International Entertainment Industry convention in New York City, Jacob soon acquired representation under Hollywood Management Company and The Beverly Hills based Commercial Talent Agency. After a four day road-trip across the U.S. on Route 66, he completed the move to Los Angeles. Once there, Jacob began additional Acting Training under Scott Sedita's Acting School. Jacob later gained full Theatrical representation under Momentum Talent and Literary Agency. He has attended Industry Events from the Talent Managers Association's Heller Awards, to The Prism Award ceremonies. As of (2014) Jacob currently is represented by the Momentum Talent Agency Theatrically, and Commercial Talent Agency Commercially. As of (2014) Jacob is Managed by Jake Azhar of the Hollywood Management Company. In addition to his acting career, Jacob enjoys nature, and the crafts of both music and writing, which he pursues frequently between Acting projects.