Ozgur Kurt movie list

Ozgur Kurt is an actor and professional DJ of Turkish origin. Born in Istanbul and raised in London, it was obvious from a very early age that he was extremely creative in all things artistic, be it writing, drawing and painting, drama and anything involving music. He was mainly educated in London, though did also have some schooling in Istanbul, Turkey. Ozgur stood out as a fine young theatrical actor with his first performances on stage at the tender age of seven years old. At secondary school in London, though highly academic in nature, he also excelled at sports and all his artistic endeavors. His first canvases were produced when he was only twelve years old. Ozgur continued to thrive artistically and performed in many musicals and plays by William Shakespeare. At the age of fifteen, Ozgur was drawn to the new emerging dance music scene erupting around the world and especially in London. He started buying House music records and went onto start mixing music. Having a real talent and ear for this new addictive sound, this became a real passion for Ozgur and he was involved in events in the UK and Europe, organizing House parties and DJ'ing. The new technologies of the late 90's and early 2000's, particularly as the world wide web was being drawn up, led him to train as a web designer and illustrator and he eventually worked professionally in this field in London for some time. During this time he was also a finalist in Mr Turkey, in his home country and this allowed him to stay and work in the commercial modelling sector for a while in the UK and Turkey. His desire to experience new cultures and broaden his horizons eventually led him to leave London in 2003 and travel the world ending up in India, where he has been residing more or less, ever since. He has been working as a professional DJ in South Goa for many years and owns the infamous Silent Noise brand, India's first headphone party company. Ozgur was given the opportunity to audition for his first major film role in late 2021 and after successfully securing the part of the Norweigan ambassador in the Bollywood blockbuster movie 'Tejas', he has hit the ground running as an actor. He has upcoming projects to be announced in 2022.