Creighton Mark Johnson movie list

Creighton Johnson was born in Fort worth Texas to ASAF Cap. Aytch Monroe Johnson & Lorraine Olga Johnson. At age 19, bored of The Bay Area Mt View California, Creighton moved to Mendocino County And live in the remote Mountains there for 20 years. Excelled at Real-estate and Hunting. At age 38, he moved to Phuket Thailand and opened a Diving business and became a PADI Instructor and IANTD Tech Diver. Being discovered at a Post Office in Bangkok, his first audition was for Rambo 4. He quickly secured a role with Jean Cluade Vann Damm in Soldiers, The Art of Living, Pyaar Imposible, The Kon is On, Elephant White and Vikingdom. He now lives in Bangkok with his daughter Jennifer.