Felipe Montanari movie list

Multilingual actor and communicator with a background in tourism. I was hired by the Walt Disney World Resort to work as a cast member through the magic people-enchanting formula. Then I was recruited to board as an animator on the Costa ships where I stayed for 7 years learning new languages, visiting several European countries and with only 24 people in charge of the cruises. Back on dry land, I acted in major advertising campaigns, award-winning films at festivals and hosted the "Style Lab" program at Discovery Home & Health. I reached career prominence when I played an FBI agent along with a great cast in the feature film "SOS Mulheres ao Mar 2" and gave life to a vigilante motoboy in "A Garota da Moto", a highly successful series with two seasons on open TV. and by subscription. In my lectures, I use his years of experience to bring relevant and curious content to the public through captivating, personalized and humorous oratory.