Pam Dawber movie list

Actress Pam Dawber grew up in a suburb of Detroit. Her career began to take off when a friend who was going to New York suggested that Pam accompany her and bring along her modeling portfolio to show various New York modeling agents. A pretty girl, Pam had done some modeling in Detroit, where she was attending Oakland Community College, and she had also worked as a model and singer at several auto trade shows. One of the top modeling agencies in New York, Wilhemina, signed Pam to an exclusive contract, and she was soon being seen in magazine advertisements and on TV commercials but was more interested in acting than in modeling. She began studying voice and acting. A leading role in a stock production of a musical comedy called "Sweet Adeline" at the Goodspeed Opera House in East Haddam, Connecticut, led to her being auditioned for a major role on a new TV series, Tabitha (1976). To her disappointment, Pam did not get the part, but she did get an important role in the Robert Altman film A Wedding (1978) and, shortly afterward, signed an exclusive contract with ABC-TV. ABC cast Pam as the female lead in Mork & Mindy (1978) and her star has been riding high ever since. Pam returned to the stage and appeared in a revival of the musical "My Fair Lady," playing Eliza Doolittle. Her hobbies are canoeing, cooking, horseback riding, and swimming.
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