Michael G. Coleman movie list

Michael was born in Mesa, Arizona and moved with his family to Gilbert when he was in his teens. After attending acting classes as a child, he was hooked. He continued to excel in drama programs in Gilbert High School and Mesa Community College where he starred as Nathan Detroit in Guys and Dolls and Reverend Hale in The Crucible. After taking a year to travel through Europe and Australia, he began his Film and Media studies at Arizona State University. Michael's first lead in a feature came in 2011 with the oddball mystery-comedy, The Big Something. He continued to be an integral part of the film community in Arizona with Running Wild Film's 2013 ambitious 52 Films in 52 Weeks project as an actor, producer, and cinematographer. In 2013, Michael also took home the title of Best Director for the IFP Breakout Challenge for his project I Don't Even Know Your Name. Michael starred in Blue Copper, which debuted at the Phoenix Film Festival before having a spotlight screening at the Jerome Film Festival, as Hunter, a 25 year old man with agoraphobia and schizophrenia shortly before moving to Los Angeles to pursue acting full-time. Since 2015 Michael has been studying under Holly Gagnier and Wolfgang Bodison at Playhouse West Acting School and Repertory Theater.