Jazmín Caratini movie list

Theater, television and film actress from Puerto Rico. While studying drama at the University of Puerto Rico she played Olga in "Summer folk", Melibea in "The Celestin", The Mother in " Six Characters in Search of an Author", Belisa in "Belisa's Fastidiousness", The Countess in "El castigo del Pense que"; que", and various characters in "The Laramie project". All of them directed by Dean Zayas for the University's Traveling Theatre. Trained in boxing, stage combat and fencing. Since her outstanding performance in the musical "Noah's Arc" she has been doing musicals for children. In professional theater she has performed in "Asdrajur", "Horror Tale", "The Ortíz Sisters" and "The Promise". The last one being the first production of Promesa Corp., her Company. She was the lead in two feature films: "Expiration Date" and "In Between". Starred in more than 10 movies for television, such as: "Crazy for love", "Birth", "Open 24 hours" and "The other Mafia", to mention a few. Throughout her career she has been the principle image in print and voice for important companies. Caratini recently moved to the City to continue expanding her horizons in acting. This makes "Don Gil de las Calzas Verdes" her stage debut in New York. Her most beloved challenge has been given to her by Otto, her son.