Sabrina Perez movie list

As an avid enthusiast of "the method," Sabrina is a loyal student of the techniques taught by the masters and pioneers of theatre: Strasberg, Stanislavski, Meisner and Adler. Some of her most recent accomplishments include her role as Detective Baldwin in the limited series, "The Passenger," and her leading role as Officer Nicola in the VR short titled, "P.O.V." Her resume also includes recurring on ABC's "Notorious," Guest Starring on TNT's "Major Crimes." Also Guest Starring on BET's "Rebel," and her supporting role in the film "How Not To Propose," from the producers of the Hallmark, Lifetime and PixL channels. Sabrina has co-starred in the hit television series, "Jane The Virgin" on the CW, and was cast in a supporting role as "Detective Cordoba" in the Lifetime thriller "Stolen From The Suburbs." She has appeared in numerous national and regional commercials as a principal performer for both the American and the Hispanic markets for brands such as: Buick, McDonalds, Target, Old Navy, WalMart, Microsoft, Amica, Coca-Cola, Crest and more. As a print model, she has been chosen to appear in several print campaigns including Pepsi, Disney, Panasonic, Puffs, US Cellular, Amica, Mazda, Munchkin, Toyota, Honda, The Hilton and Macy's to name a few. Sabrina is a very talented voice over artist both for radio and animation as well.