Carl A. Harte movie list

From Western classical opera to Indian cinema -- and much in between -- Carl has enjoyed a diverse career in the performing arts. More recently, he appeared as Charles Tegart in the 2023 Bengali blockbuster Bagha Jatin, in which the Telegraph declared him 'a scene-stealer', and the Times hailed him 'impressive'. Carl plays William, Lord Hunter in the upcoming Akshay Kumar production The Untold Story of Sankaran Nair, and appears as Conrad Corfield in Union: the Making of India, alongside K.K. Menon. In 2022, his appearance as the sympathetic father William Shafton in the Tamil romantic comedy Prince, brought him widespread recognition in the south of India, while his powerful portrayal of the sociopathic Alfred Petty in the Zee Bangla series Mukti brought him to public attention in Bengal.