Katie Folger movie list

Katie Folger is an actor, writer, and comedienne whose work is centered around more nuanced representation of women in media. She has anchored in Austin for the last decade while ping-ponging between NYC, LA, Albuquerque, and Louisville, Kentucky. While studying theater and journalism at the University of Texas at Austin, Folger became a fixture in the Austin indie film scene with indelible performances in a variety of award-winning and festival hit features and series. Ultimately, she saw a need for more projects helmed by women, and she funneled her skills into projects of her own. In 2017, she and her creative partner launched Dynamite Sisters Comedy, a production company in which they write, direct, produce, and star in character-driven satire. They successfully crowdfunded their first shoots in the west (Albuquerque, Austin, Marfa) and are moving their operation to NYC at the end of this year. Additionally, Folger spent several years independently investigating the cancellation of the Superconducting Super Collider, a particle accelerator under construction in Waxahachie, Texas in the late 80s and mysteriously shut down mid-operation by the government in the early 90s. She spent time personally interviewing physicists at the CERN campus in Geneva, Switzerland, former lab employees in Texas, and congresspeople surrounding what transpired. Since moving to NYC at the end of 2018, she has been training in comedy at the revered Upright Citizens Brigade training center (including under Amy Poehler herself) and was in a live sketch show for six months at the Magnet Theater. Alongside her work as an artist, she is pursuing her Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.
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