Kasey Mauro movie list

Kasey Annmarie Mauro (born 1988) is an American actress and model. She was born in the San Fernando Valley, California, and is the daughter of KimAnna, an entrepreneur, and Jerry, author and internet entrepreneur. Kasey grew up in southern Colorado. Kasey is of Italian (both maternal and paternal sides), German, Irish, Czechoslovakian, Yugoslavian, and English descent. Mauro took an interest in acting as early as elementary school in Ojo Caliente, New Mexico. In high school (Del Norte, Colorado), she was involved in the theater and drama department and participated in several plays, including "Trouble in Tumbleweed" (2003). Also in high school, Mauro partook in a summer theater camp with the renowned Creede Theater. It wasn't until August of 2016, that her Aunt Mary Jo Mauro (who has been a background character in several movies), took her to an extras casting call in Colorado Springs for "Our Souls at Night," that Kasey got back into the world of acting once again. October (2016) was the debut, when Mauro got to play an extra role as a Nurse's Assistant in "Our Souls at Night". Also in October, she started modeling for the launch of a local clothing company, "Mary Mac Designs". Then in December (2016), Mauro played a student in "Z/Rex: The Jurassic Dead".