Devin E. Haqq movie list

Devin E. Haqq is a native of Nashville, Tennessee, and an IFP alumni. Devin was a Finalist for the HBOAccess 2020 Directing Fellowship. His feature film, Ambition's Debt, won the 2017 Grand Jury Award for Best Narrative Feature at the prestigious American Black Film Festival (ABFF) and the 2018 Paul Robeson Award-Honorable Mention at the Newark Black Film Festival. Ambition's Debt was also selected for the prestigious 2018 Newport Beach Film Festival. Devin was also a Finalist for the 2019 SAG Indie Fellowship at Stowe Story Labs and his sci-fi thriller feature script, Malsumis, was a Finalist in the 2021 SreenCraft Sci-fi & Fantasy Screenplay Competition. He has since developed a feature film with Inkubate Entertainment (Kong: Skull Island) and acclaimed television writer and playwright Keith Josef Adkins. As an actor Devin has appeared Off-Broadway at the Barrow Group, Epic Theatre Ensemble, HERE Arts Center, BRIC Arts Media, and most recently in the New York premiere of David Harrower's Knives in Hens at 59E59 Theaters. He has also appeared in numerous regional theatre productions including Fiasco Theatre's Measure for Measure (Actor's Theatre of Louisville) and As You Like It (The Arden Theatre). Devin is the voice of the hit boxing documentary series, PBC Fight Camp, on FOX network and FOX Sports. He is a graduate of the Alabama Shakespeare Festival's MFA program.