Brent Harvey movie list

Brent is originally from Indianapolis, In. Out of high school he joined the Marine Corps as a combat photographer, where he traveled the world and served in Iraq in 2003. After his honorable discharge he began his acting career in Los Angeles. Since then he has developed his talent as a actor working with Al Pacino and recently with Ewan McGregor, as well as many other talented artists on many project ranging from independent films to shows on HBO, Showtime and Investigation. He created a webseries 'Struggleing' about the day to day hustle of making it in Hollywood which was up for two Prime Time Emmy Awards 2018. Brent is also a successful writer and director, creating series, award winning shorts and feature films that range from dramatic to comedy. For over six years Brent taught acting at one of the top acting studios in Los Angeles helping thousands of actors from beginners to Emmy Award Winners and Celebrities take their work to the next level. He continues to help anyone with the passion and willingness to learn and apply the work to create success for themselves in their craft and life in the hopes to be a mentor that he himself never had, so no one has to go through what he had to in order to learn how to succeed. He is also an advocate for Human Rights and has created a company with his sister that promotes empowering women that donates to multiple non-profit women's causes around the world.