Camryn Howard movie list

Camryn Howard is an actor, model, and recording artist. His new music includes features from "Jharrel Jerome" ("When They See Us" "Tales", "Mr. Mercedes", and Oscar winning film "Moonlight"), "Kid Ink" (Multi-platinum selling artist, "Work," Fifth Harmony) and Algee Smith (Image Award Winner "Detroit" & "The New Edition Story" "The Hate You Give") . He recently featured his vocals and acting ability in "Clemency" along side "Alfre Woodard" and"Aldis Hodge" and is also a model for LA Fitness. Gracing the carpet alongside legendary stars such as Halle Berry, Michael B. Jordan, Childish Gambino, Neyo, Rick Ross and many more; Camryn has also managed to gain the attention of high end publications such as Vogue, GQ, The Golden Globes, Entertainment tonight, and The Huffington Post. With over 5 million sound cloud plays Camryn has attracted a following that has allotted him the opportunity to perform on several official SXSW stages this year. In addition we have recently released a video for his song "Eternity".