Dragoljub Ljubicic movie list

A comedian actor and writer, born in Belgrade 1962, where he studied law, but he didn't graduate. A regular member of Indexovo Pozoriste (Index Theater), the theater shows in which he and his crew make jokes about Serbian politicians. He is also one of the founders of agency "Tim Talenata". He played leads in such shows with his Indexovo Pozoriste, in "Ne Ostavljajte me dok Himna Svira", "Brat i Mir", "Tamo Daleko je Sunce", "Svet ili Nista", "Istocno od Rajha", "Za Saku Glasova" and others, usually in the role of Slobodan Milosevic. He also appeared as Josip Broz Tito in film Tito po drugi put medju Srbima (1993). Micko is a person of humorous qualities, he is creative, loves to travel, watch movies and enjoy in life, always and everywhere.