Diva Tyler movie list

Diva Tyler is a Florida-born actress who began acting in her early teens while residing in Harlem, New York. At 16, Diva Tyler participated as a member of The American Negro Ensemble Theatre, founded by the legendary Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee. Diva's career continued to blossom in theatre and is marked by a series of notable roles and productions. These include the one-woman show "Sweet Chariot" which tells the life story of the heroine Harriet Tubman from the age of 5 to 93, "Wait Until Dark" an Off-Broadway production in the role of Susy Hendrix, a blind woman who is stalked by henchman in search of contraband, and the award winning stage production of "For Colored Girls..." as the Lady in Purple. In 2011, Diva Tyler's career transitioned from stage acting to television and film. Notable performances include Eastbound and Down, starring "Will Ferrell and Danny McBride", Disney's movie, "Let it Shine" starring Courtney Vance and Tyler Williams, "Local Talent" with Nathan Lane, horror movie "Prosper," VH1's "Single Ladies" starring Lisa Raye, the #1 movie "Identity Thief" starring Melissa McCarthy and Jason Bateman, "The Last Exorcism II" and "Killing Winston Jones," starring Danny Glover, and Academy Award winner Richard Dreyfus. Diva Tyler volunteers her time when not acting. She works globally in the important areas of sexual child abuse prevention and commercially sexually exploited children (CSEC).In 2012, She was nominated for the "Live Your Legacy Award Diva Tyler is also a spoken word artist, motivational speaker, and professional consultant. Diva Tyler resides in Atlanta, Georgia.