Karen Lynn Gorney movie list

Karen Lynn Gorney is the romantic star of Saturday Night Fever (1977): the dance partner and fantasy girlfriend who said "no" to John Travolta, and won his heart in this mega-hit film, released to raves. Miss Gorney is also the legendary "Tara Martin" ( Erica's mortal enemy) on ABC's award-winning All My Children (1970). A classically trained Actress, and winner of the People's Choice and European Bravo Awards, Karen holds a BFA from Carnegie Mellon and MFA from Brandeis University in Acting and Speech. She has received raves in New York City and throughout the United States performing everything from William Shakespeare to Neil Simon. Karen's many independent films include A Crime (2006), with Harvey Keitel, and Searching for Bobby D (2005) [DeNiro], with Sandra Bernhard. Karen was born in Beverly Hills, California, to Sondra Gorney, a writer-dancer-actress, and Jay Gorney, a producer-composer whose hits include the songs "Brother Can you Spare a Dime,"and "You're My Thrill". Karen's CD of her dad's hits, called "Hot Moonlight!" is availiable on Amazon, and karenlynngorney. It has received received international acclaim. international acclaim.