Miriam A. Hyman movie list

From bringing diverse, powerful characters to life on the screen and stage, to writing and recording brazen, vulnerable hip-hop lyrics, award-winning actor and lyricist Miriam A. Hyman aka Robyn Hood has emerged in the entertainment industry as a powerful force to be reckoned with. Born in Lancaster, PA. and raised in Philadelphia, Hyman is a classically trained actor, graduating from the Yale School of Drama and is a recipient of the prestigious Princess Grace Award and Leonore Annenberg Fellowship for Performing Arts. In television this year, Hyman will be reprising her role of "Dre" starring on season 5 of Showtime's critically acclaimed series "The Chi", created and Executive Produced by Emmy Award winner Lena Waithe. Hyman under the moniker Robyn Hood has also been a featured artist on the soundtrack for "The Chi" in multiple episodes on season 4 and will be producing new music for season 5 as well.