Fedor Steer movie list

Fedor Steer, originally Dutch-Canadian, credits a chance encounter with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and his family on a cruise ship for piquing his interest in acting. Steadily working his way up the ranks from roles in independent film to national exposure, you can catch Fedor in a number of television shows including Netflix's "The Haunting of Hill House" and "Bloodline", Fox's "Sleepy Hollow" and "The Gifted", as well as "Graceland", "America's Most Wanted", "Your Worst Nightmare", and films such as "Killroy was Here" and "American Animals". Fedor has a diverse range of life experiences. He has been a navigation officer in the Canadian Coast Guard and on cruise ships, a school teacher, a swim coach, a triathlete, and has lived in a number of countries overseas, including Thailand and the UAE. He also owns and operates a software company that builds database applications for K-12 schools.