Tiffany Fallon movie list

Lovely and shapely raven-haired brunette stunner Tiffany Fallon was born in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She's of Irish-American descent. Tiffany graduated from Florida State University with a degree in Sports Management. Tiffany was a NFL cheerleader for the Atlanta Falcons in 1998. She won the title of Miss Georgia USA 2001 and placed secondrunner-up in the 2001 Miss USA contest. Fallon was the Playmate of the Month in the December, 2004 issue of "Playboy". Tiffany was named Playmate of the Year in 2005; at age 31, she has the distinction of being the second oldest woman to receive this particular title. She has appeared as herself on the reality TV shows, The Girls Next Door (2005) and The Apprentice (2004). Moreover, Tiffany is featured in the music videos, "Who's Your Daddy?" by Toby Keith and "Come Wake Me Up" by Rascal Flatts. Fallon has served as a guest host on FSN's The Best Damn Sports Show Period (2001) and has done dozens of print and television campaigns. Tiffany was named one of CMT's "Sexiest Southern Belles" and has made comedic guest appearances on Spike TV's The Lance Krall Show (2005) and "The Man Made Movie" (2001-2002)_ Fallon married musician JoeDon Rooney, of the country trio Rascal Flatts, on May 31, 2006.