George Georgiou movie list

George trained at the prestigious Drama Centre London alongside Tom Hardy and Michael Fassbender. He grew up above his fathers grocery store in Tufnell Park, North London. His career started on the London stage in plays at the National Theatre, Theatre Royal S.E, Haymarket Theatre and numerous off West End productions. In 2012 he returned to the stage to play the leading role in a new play 'Chicken' at the Trafalgar Studio in the heart of London's West End. George has appeared in some of the most successful TV shows including Game of Thrones, Sex Education, The Honourable Woman, Madam Secretary, Homeland, The Americans, The Last Ship, Bones, Law & Order, Spooks and many more. On the big screen George starred in the mega hit movie Mamma Mia along side Meryl Streep. Other movies include 300:Rise of an Empire, RED 2, The Cut, The Mummy (2017), CLOSE (2019), Epiphany (2019).