Ben Kurland movie list

Ben Kurland grew up just outside of Boston, Massachusetts. He first started acting when he was 9 years old while attending The Fessenden School whose alums include actor Christopher Lloyd, Senator Ted Kennedy, Senator John Kerry and Howard Hughes. During his childhood, he was in over two dozen plays and attended the prestigious Walnut Hill School Summer Theatre where he was in three performances at once. The following year, he starred in a production of "Bye Bye Birdie" while, at the same time, doing a run of "Stop the World, I Want to Get Off" at Boston University. Choate Rosemary Hall was his next stop, a prep school which is known for its extraordinary Performing Arts Department, which includes an Arts Center built and designed by legendary architect I.M. Pei. Alums of Choate include Michael Douglas, Glenn Close, Jamie Lee Curtis and Paul Giamatti. While there, Ben got to perform under the direction of Edward Albee, a Choate alum who is considered one of America's greatest playwrights. He spent two years there, finishing up high school at Newton South. Ben then attended Emerson College's Theatre Conservatory, but soon transferred to USC's School of Theatre. Since graduating college, Ben has starred in two award-winning films, Taps (2006) and Sinners (2007) and has appeared on TLC and SpikeTV.