Alyson Bath movie list

Alyson Bath was born and raised in Toronto Ontario Canada. Her mother is of English and French decent and her father is Portuguese. When Alyson was a toddler she was scouted by a modeling agency. Growing up she did print work modeling flower girl dresses in bridal magazines. When it came time for Alyson to do her first runway show she was so shy that she walked down the runway covering her face with her hands. At the time she didn't like the attention of all those people staring at her which is ironic as a few years later she began taking drama at school and fell in love with acting. Alyson loved the idea of being able to transform herself into different characters. Alyson also studied singing and dance throughout her school years. When she began landing the lead roles in school plays she developed a true passion for the craft and knew that that was what she wanted to pursue with her life. After high school Alyson studied in a variety of acting schools in both Toronto and Vancouver. She sights Richard McKenna as being the most influential of her acting teachers/coaches as he taught her the Stanislavsky method.