Dana Sparks movie list

American actress, voice-over artist and host, Dana Sparks has an extensive television and film career. In her early teens, she booked her first commercial audition in her home city of San Francisco and used that momentum move to Los Angeles. Dana went on her first network audition, for the CBS series Cover Up (1984), and was given a contract role. Soon after, her neighbor, producer/director Blake Edwards, "discovered" her on the beach in Malibu and cast her as "Fanny" in her first feature film That's Life! (1986). A regular on Falcon Crest (1981) she spent three seasons as the "sexy vixen" "Vicki Gioberti." Other credits Dana is best know for include Melrose Place (1992), Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987), Thirtysomething (1987) and L.A. Law (1986). She was "Lt. Cmdr. Carolyn Imes" on the hit series JAG (1995). A magazine cover-girl and favorite of ad agency's, Dana was the face of many international campaigns. Dana has been mom to eleven dogs and presently has the best Frenchie ever, Max Cousteau. A swimmer, boogie-boarder, horseback rider and golfer, Dana would always prefer be outside enjoying Venice Beach, California where she lives.