Nathan Janak movie list

Nathan was born April 7, 2005 in Sugar Land, Texas. His first experience in acting was when he was 6 years old during a summer school daycare camp where he played a role as Chicken Little in a play called Chicken Little. It was then Nathan found his passion for acting, he also found his passion for comedy and making others smile and laugh. For the next several years he was persistent in persuading his parents to let him pursue his passion. In 2015 at the age of 10, Nathan auditioned and offered a spot in a 9 months intensive actor training program by Nikki Pederson Talent (NPT). In June 2016, Nathan traveled to Los Angeles to perform his scene in front of various managers and agents. Nathan was offered and accepted representation from the Savage Agency and Hines & Hunt Management. In August 2016, Nathan moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dreams. While in Los Angeles, Nathan booked several commercials, guest star roles, one of them including a guest star on Nickelodeon's own "Henry Danger,".