Marci T. House movie list

Marci T. House is an American/Canadian (Canerican) actress of stage, voice, film/TV, a producer, and has honed her craft all over North American. Hailing from the south-side of the city of Chicago, she now makes her home in Vancouver, BC in Canada, and began her acting career at the young age 7 years old, in community and Chicago Park District Theater, in and around the Chicago area. Marci is a NAACP Theater Award (Los Angeles) & Jessie Theatre Award (Vancouver, BC) nominated actress and set designer, and now works as a professional actor in both the U.S., and Canada. Marci is a graduate of Louisiana Tech University and the University of Illinois (Chicago), where she not only studied acting, but also studied architecture and urban planning, policy & design. Since then she has also jumped head first into a vast array of theatrical training with the likes of Diane Hardin (Young Actors Space-LA), Bill Duke (Actor's Boot Camp-Miami & LA), Michele Lonsdale Smith (Lyric School of Acting-Vancouver, BC), and Susan Batson, Greg Braun, and Christian Contreras (Black Nexxus/Susan Batson Studios/New Collective Acting Studio -LA, NYC & Vancouver). She feels that having a diverse life & training not only makes her a better rounded person, but also a more interesting actor.