Aimee Garcia movie list

A Chicago native of Mexican and Puerto Rican descent, she made her professional stage debut at the age of seven in Paul Mejia's "Cinderella" at The Auditorium Theatre. By the age of twelve, she was dancing 20 shows a month as "Clara" in "The Nutcracker". She joined the Young People's Company, whose alumni include John Cusack, Joan Cusack, Jeremy Piven, Lili Taylor and Aidan Quinn. Aimee graduated from Northwestern University with a triple major in economics, journalism and French. While attending Northwestern University, she was put under a two-year contract with Paramount Television after Norman Lear hand-picked her to headline his pilot-in-development, The Chavez Family, and also played the lead role of Diana Morales in "A Chorus Line" for Broadway choreographer Mitzi Hamilton. After Northwestern, she developed a television career in Los Angeles with Greetings from Tucson (2002), and had continued success as Andy Garcia's daughter and George Lopez's niece Veronica Palmero on George Lopez (2002). She is was at one point the only Latina in her generation to be on syndicated television. In 2007, she was nominated for an ALMA and Imagen Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Television Series. Aimee also starred in Peter Berg's new high-octane medical drama Trauma (2009) on NBC.