Andy T. Tran movie list

Andy T. Tran was born and raised in Houston, TX. Andy's affinity for the arts came from his father, a gifted artist and musician. After graduating from I.H. Kempner High School in 2002, he went on to study electrical and computer engineering at The University of Texas at Austin, but quickly lost interest in the field. Instead, Andy sneaked into film and theatre classes to satisfy his curiosity for acting and storytelling. He then wrote, acted, and directed award-winning comedy sketches in several college talent shows. Armed with audience approval, Andy knew he had to pursue a career in entertainment. This eventually led to his first paid gig as a sketch comedy player for a local comedy troupe in 2008. In 2010, he began segueing into TV/film, where he debuted in an episode of NBC's Chase. In late 2011, Andy moved to Los Angeles, CA and landed subsequent TV roles in NCIS Los Angeles, Bones, The Last Ship, and Reckless.