Christian Calloway movie list

At a young age Christian viewed the cowboys at Universal Studios as his heroes and people he would want to be. Years later it was a true dream come true as he reached out and shook hands with the very men he had admired. At this point they said "Welcome to the Universal Studios Western Stunt Team." After nearly a decade of work as a funny stunt cowboy using the non-union name of Mikal Dalaney, Christian joined SAG and began working small parts and features. It was during this time that a change was made in his appearance. Having finished a music video for acclaimed rock photographer Kevin Estrada portraying a homeless man in a Serj Tankian System of a Down music video, Christian determined that his rough look could be capitalized on. Now known as "I am Hollywood Homeless" he has been featured in many programs and videos as a realistic and gripping character of homelessness. Still able to do mountain men, bad guys, degenerates and the mentally disturbed he excels as a realistic downtrodden man. A very good actor and nice person it is his goal to star in a feature film about a homeless man. Until this day comes he spends a lot of his time studying and helping the homeless in missions and on the street. Charity organizations benefit from his appearances as he arrives with cardboard signs at special events proclaiming the needs of the charity upon his handwritten signs. An actor with a good eye for his niche and a character that keeps his appearance at the height of realism. Christian is your go to guy for this genre of characterization.