Lanette Ware movie list

Lanette is a series regular on The Wedding Planners, a Lifetime Member of the Actors Studio, NY/LA, born and raised on the Upper East Side of New York City and hired for her first commercial at age three. She began studying piano at age six and violin at age thirteen. Although a music major at The Fiorello LaGuardia High School of Music and Art, NY, it was during her drama courses at Marymount College in Tarrytown, NY and London, UK, that she would discover her passion for classical literature and theater. Upon graduating with a BA in Drama, she launched her acting career which resulted in a variety of co-star, starring, guest star and featured roles in television theater and film. Lanette co-wrote and starred in a mockumentary short which screened in over ten film houses within New York and Los Angeles, has disc jockeyed at 1340 WNHC New Haven, CT, supports Create Now!, LA, a mentoring program designed to aid disadvantaged youth through the arts and helped develop the leading role in playwright John Henry Redwood's (The Old Settler) final theatrical work: "An 'Ole Soul, A Young Spirit", at The New Harmony Project in New Harmony, IN. Lanette is Executive Producer in pre-production on an original YA drama she's created for the small screen and a multicultural animated series she's developing for the preschool market. Both series are represented by Integral Artists.