Warren P. Sonoda movie list

BAFTA-winning, Emmy-nominated filmmaker Warren P. Sonoda is known for directing his features Coopers' Camera, Swearnet: The Movie, 5ive Girls, Ham & Cheese, the iconic TV shows Trailer Park Boys, This Hour Has 22 Minutes, Murdoch Mysteries and over 160 music videos, 70 episodes of TV and 11 feature films. He's received over 40 national and international award nominations including a 2019 BAFTA Award win for Odd Squad (2019), two Best Directing Daytime Emmy Nominations for Odd Squad (2018, 2017), a 2015 DGC Best Directing Nomination for Trailer Park Boys, 4 MuchMusic Video Award wins, 2 CCMA wins and also received the Queen's Jubilee Medal for his contributions to Canadian cinema, knocked Martin Scorsese out of the Guinness Book of World Records, and was the first person of color and youngest DGC member elected as the Directors Guild of Canada's National Director Division Chair, representing DGC Directors from coast to coast. He is also a champion of independent Canadian film as the Chair of the Canadian Film Fest and sat on the inaugural advisory board of Women In View x2 More, the Film & Television Professional Advisory Council of Sheridan College and the Canadian Academy's Rules and Regulations Committee. He's thrilled to be unveiling his new passion-project feature film Things I Do For Money about two cello-playing Japanese Canadian brothers that steal a big bag of money, and all the woes that go along with it, in 2020.