Wilmer Calderon movie list

Wilmer Calderon was born in Santurce, Puerto Rico and moved to Brandon, Florida near Tampa at the age of two. He learned to speak Spanish at home from his parents and English from watching "Sesame Street." At the age of five he started playing baseball, a year round sport in Florida, and it quickly became his major preoccupation throughout his school years. In his senior year in high school, he set a single season record for stolen bases. Continuing on to Marshall University, it soon became apparent that there was another discipline that was calling him. In his spare time, Calderon had appeared in several school plays, and eventually he had to choose between following a career in baseball or giving himself full time to acting. He landed three lines in the Florida-filmed feature "The Walking Dead," earned his Screen Actors Guild card and was off and running. He had a recurring role in the TV series "Second Noah," and appeared in the telefilms "Summer of Fear," and "Love's Deadly Triangle: The Texas Cadet Murder." Among Calderon's other television credits are guest appearances on "Veronica Mars," "The Shield," "CSI: Miami," "24," "NYPD Blue," "ER," and "Profiler." His feature credits include Wes Craven's "Cursed," and the soon to be released "Venice Underground." Calderon is also active on stage, and has appeared with the Actors Circle Theatre. His mentor has been another native of Santurce, Benicio Del Toro.