Dane Andrew movie list

Dane Andrew grew up in both the San Francisco Bay Area and the Monterey Bay Area's of California. Born the only child to Doris Birkland Beezley & Dale Lloyd Beezley, Dane attended Mango Jr. High & Fremont High School in Sunnyvale, Ca. with now actress, Teri Hatcher in the class of 82. Graduating with a degree in TV/Film Production from De Anza College, he continued with 5 years at Stage One Theatre Company to perfect his acting skills. Since age 11, making countless TV show & news appearances with "The World's Ugliest Dog", and even still to this day with one of its descendents, appears on National talk shows. Producing & Hosting Celebrity interviews for Total Entertainment News (TEN) that can be seen in part on such shows as Extra, Inside Edition, Access Hollywood, E!, and past shows as American Journal, Hard Copy and Enquirer TV to name a few, Dane got his first Nationally aired on camera break after doing the last interview with OJ Simpson before his murder arrest. Owner of Tri-D Film & Video Productions, he also shoots professional Celebrity and notable personality photos for a national Press agency, and has had photos in magazines and papers from USA Today & News Week, to Rolling Stone & People. Dane spent 4 years in city government as the Chairman of the Sunnyvale Arts Commission. As Arts Commissioner, there were no calls from Batman as hoped. Hobbies include Historical and Civil War Cavalry re-enacting on his pinto horse. Holding a motor cycle license, he also loves to restore classic cars and can even been seen driving one of the actual Don Johnson TV show, yellow 71 Cuda convertibles from the show "Nash Bridges". He enjoys free time with his numerous exotic animals and reptiles for which he says "Are the best character actors of all".
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