Chuck Borden movie list

Chuck was born on March 13, 1962 in the Bronx, NY. His family moved across the country to Los Angeles where Chuck became very involved in sports and athletics. It began with BMX, something he could do on a budget and entirely by himself. Soon, he was involved in all school sports, baseball, football, track, wrestling. He received the President's physical fitness award in both elementary and middle school and was voted most Athletic male student for his class at Glenelder School. High school moved Chuck into the water, competing in water polo, swimming and diving (spring board). He was on the SoCal Frosh/Sof champion water polo team (the first in the schools history) and went on to the Varsity teams for both Water Polo and Swimming. When not in the water, Chuck was found on the race track. He competed in the WKA Karting events, first locally in the Southern California area, but quickly moved on the the national level, racing around the US. Just before completing High School, Chuck met a stuntman named Mike Vendrell that changed his life. Mike took him to his first movie set, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, where Chuck fell in love with stunts. For the next 3.5 years, Chuck did whatever he had to to get on movie sets, working in almost every department, but stunts were always his goal. Finally, Chuck got his SAG card while working in the Art department and he's never looked back. Early in his career, he found that his leadership talents opened the doors to coordinating stunts and later directing 2nd unit. 30+ years later, Chuck's love for the arts hasn't changed. He continues to coordinate and perform stunts around the world, but his creative cravings have made him look at directing and producing. Chuck believes that if you want something bad enough, it will happen. He's living proof of it. With no formal training and no family ties to the business, he was able to open doors that were otherwise closed to people outside the business.