Zezeh Barbosa movie list

Maria José Barbosa e Silva was born in Osasco, São Paulo, on March 19, 1963. Daughter of a housewife and a locksmith, she convinced her mother that she could be an actress by inventing theatrical scenes. Barbosa left his family's house at the age of seventeen. She studied at the School of Dramatic Art at the University of São Paulo (USP). Before starting her acting career professionally, she worked as a secretary, telemarking operator and canteen attendant. Subsequently, she stated that, at the time, she slept little and earned badly, but was always happy. Her first contacts with artistic life took place when she participated in Circo Grafitti, a São Paulo group founded by her alongside other actors, such as Rosi Campos, Gerson de Abreu, Helen Helene and Pedro Paulo Bogossian. After that, she consolidated a vast career in Brazilian theater, cinema and television.