Daniel D. Houy movie list

Daniel D. Houy is an American Actor. Born in North Hollywood, California on January 3, 1957. He has lived in Burbank, "The Media Capital of the World," his entire life. His Father Douglas Houy, a Merchant Marine, met Daniel's Mother Carmelita in North Carolina, soon married, then whisked his new bride to Southern California. Years after the death of his Father, his Mother met and married Don "Pappy" Phillips, a great influence on Daniel's life. After graduating from John Burroughs High School in 1975, Daniel chose a career in Southern California's other Major Industry, becoming an Inspector in the then thriving Aerospace field. Despite growing up literally surrounded by the Entertainment Industry, it wasn't until Daniel retired in 2006 that he decided to try his hand at Acting. He found the approach of pursuing Acting as a hobby, rather than a make it or break it career, a pleasant twist to a business that destroys the dreams of so many. Daniel is an avid reader and writer. He has been married to his beautiful wife, and number one supporter of his Acting career, Kathy since 1982. Their much beloved dog "Chip" has brought many years of joy to their lives.