Treisa Gary movie list

Treisa Gary is an actor from South Central Los Angeles who began her entertainment career giving comedic advice from her cubicle in the accounting department at Warner Brothers. A few executives felt she should be in front of a camera, so they put her on television without her knowledge. She began training then and since, she has earned screen time with the outstanding talents of Christian Bale, Danny DeVito, Kerry Washington, & Minnie Driver to name a few. Treisa can be seen guest performing on all your favorite shows, like "Silicon Valley", "NCIS" and "Grey's Anatomy". She is a well-rounded and versatile performer. She has nurtured her talents in theatrical plays, a self-written one-woman show, as well as delighted audiences with her improv skills at The Hothouse, and created brilliant stand-up comedy at The Hollywood Improv & The Comedy Union. Treisa gives back by inspiring other artists to greatness as a private audition and breakthrough coach. She created an audition technique, "8 Steps To Working Actor" and published a book by the same name. She was born to act, teach and heal the human spirit. She openly shares her journey and provides support to many others bringing dreams to life.